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David Adabale

Your Talent Was Given To Be Used

Updated: Jul 17

Have you ever felt a stirring deep inside, a sense that you are meant for something more? Perhaps you’ve caught glimpses of your potential in fleeting moments of creativity or accomplishment. It’s time to embrace that feeling, because your talent was given to be used. It’s not just about personal satisfaction or recognition; it’s about contributing to the world in a way only you can.

a picture of two people dancing

Discovering Your Unique Talent

Each one of us is born with unique talents. These aren’t just skills that can be learned or taught; they’re intrinsic parts of who we are. Your unique talent might be in art, science, communication, empathy, or any number of other areas. The challenge lies in recognizing and nurturing these gifts.

The Power of Utilizing Your Unique Talent

When you use your talent, something magical happens. Not only do you feel more fulfilled, but you also inspire those around you. Your actions can create a ripple effect, encouraging others to discover and use their talents as well. This collective uplift can lead to remarkable achievements and advancements in our communities and beyond.

Overcoming Obstacles

It’s common to face doubts and fears when considering how to use your talents. You might worry about failure, judgment, or simply not being good enough. However, these fears are just roadblocks on your path to greatness. By pushing through them, you can unlock incredible opportunities for growth and impact.

Practical Steps to Start Using Your Unique Talent

  1. Identify Your Strengths: Take time to reflect on what you’re naturally good at and what you enjoy doing.

  2. Seek Feedback: Ask friends, family, and colleagues to share what they see as your strengths.

  3. Set Goals: Create a plan to incorporate your talents into your daily life and work.

  4. Take Action: Start small but be consistent. The more you use your talent, the more it will grow.

Real-Life Examples

Consider the story of J.K. Rowling, who used her talent for storytelling to create the world of Harry Potter, inspiring millions worldwide. Or Steve Jobs, who combined his talents in design and technology to revolutionize entire industries. These individuals didn’t just have talent; they harnessed it to make a significant impact.

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Your Unique Talent Matters

Remember, your talent is a gift not just to yourself but to the world. It holds the power to change lives, starting with your own. Don’t let it go to waste. Embrace it, develop it, and most importantly, use it.

Ready to discover and unleash your talent? Take the first step today. Reflect on your unique gifts and commit to using them. The world needs what you have to offer.

a picture of a man speaking

This is an extract from the 'Discover Your Purpose' Course, register free today at

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